CSRankings is a metrics-based ranking of top computer science institutions around the world. Click on a triangle (►) to expand areas or institutions. Click on a name to go to a faculty member's home page. Click on a pie (the after a name or institution) to see their publication profile as a pie chart. Click on a Google Scholar icon () to see publications, and click on the DBLP logo () to go to a DBLP entry.
All Areas [off | on]
AI [off | on]
acm sigai, aaai
acm sigkdd, imls, neurips/nips
acm sigir
Systems [off | on]
acm sigarch
acm sigcomm
acm sigsac, ieee s&p, usenix
acm sigmod
acm sigda
acm sigbed
acm sighpc
acm sigmobile
acm sigmetrics
acm sigops, usenix
acm sigplan
acm sigsoft
Theory [off | on]
acm sigact, ieee tcmf
acm siglog
Interdisciplinary Areas [off | on]
acm sigbio
acm siggraph
acm sigecom
acm sigchi
ieee ras
ieee vgtc
Prominent mentions of CSrankings: Berkeley | CMU (1, 2) | Cornell | Edinburgh | Michigan | Rutgers | Technion | UBC | UNC | Utah | Waterloo | Wisconsin | Yann LeCun | John Regehr | Charles Sutton
All publication data is from DBLP (updated monthly; last update June 3, 2019). Click to see the current database of faculty and their affiliations. Please submit any affiliation updates here (for a single update) or via a pull request (tutorial on pull requests here). Please verify that the faculty members are full-time, tenure-track members of a CS department (or similar), and that their names are as they appear in DBLP. All code and data is available here: https://github.com/emeryberger/CSRankings, and frequently-asked questions are here: CSRankings FAQ.
CSRankings by Emery Berger is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.Based on a work at http://github.com/emeryberger/CSrankings. Follow @csrankings for updates. Copyright 2017-2018 © Emery Berger